“I don’t want to look hot at my wedding,” said no bride, ever. And there’s a reason why: it’s their time to shine in the spotlight and they want to be radiant. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to look like a goddess?! But the day is long and the dance floor sweaty, so if you don’t want makeup pouring off your face or to be hating on your hair all night, then here are some tips you and your bridesmaids should know:
If you’re rocking a bold red lipstick, apply a lip stain first. That way, when your lipstick wears away your lips will still be ruby red underneath.
Choose a hairstyle that suits your face shape. The general rule is that width adds width and length adds length, so if you have a round face then narrower or longer styles will look better and won’t exaggerate your shape. Your hairstyle has to last all day so don’t pick anything too loose or that you’ll be fussing over the whole time.
Have a hair and makeup trial. Even if you’re not splashing out on a makeup artist, you definitely still need a test run. It’s important to make sure you’re happy with the look and that the hairstyle’s comfortable and doesn’t make you want to tear it out after an hour.
Plus I think if the look is different for you, it can take awhile to get used to your reflection. Say a friend does your makeup and you think the eye shadow is too dark. In a few hours, you might realise it looks AMAZING, but until then you’ve been in a panic. It’s better to get that sorted before the big day then to risk worrying over it at your wedding.
Have some blotting paper handy. Fact: you and your maids will be hitting the dance floor, hard. And if you’ve got any jitters (you do have whole bunch of people watching you), then in both cases you might get a little sweaty. Make sure you have some blotting paper to soak up the excess oil. It will keep you looking matte without disturbing your makeup.
Make sure the touch-up kit has all the right colours. The makeup artist may have given you a beautiful ruby red lip, but what are you going to do when it starts to wear off? Make sure your kit has all the correct products and shades to keep you looking fresh all night long. You can ask the artist before the day, if they can prep one for you or just find out what they intend to use.
Keep your nails natural. While bridesmaids can get away with brighter nails because they aren’t dressed in a variation of white, brides are better off working neutrals and delicate pinks. Those who ignore this advice be warned: when it’s time to flicks through your wedding pics, all you’re going to see are your mega-watt nails.
Image credit: Hair and Makeup By Steph

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