Monet has always been one of my favourite artists. In fact when I was in Year Three, I tried to paint myself into one of his artworks. And before you start thinking I’m crazy, it was for a school project where we were asked to do a self portrait. Sadly, my teacher didn’t think it was very creative to copy“reproduce” a masterpiece and then just add myself to it… so I added a few blotchy ducks and patted myself on the back.
You’re probably wondering what that has to do with weddings. And the answer is “not much” but I’m getting to the point (I promise).
When I was 14, I finally had the chance to visit Monet’s home in Giverny where he painted his famous Japanese-inspired garden. The colours there are incredible, so bright and vibrant, that I still remember how in awe I felt. And I was struck by that feeling again when I had the chance to see the Monet exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne. But this time, I also realised how beautiful the colours would look in a wedding.
So feeling a little inspired, I’ve decided to show you what I mean. Using Monet as a starting point, I’ve picked the palette from his 1916-19 work Waterlilies (Nymphéas) to create a vibrant look for Bridesmaids.

The Jenny dress in Electric Blue, Pretty in Pink, Appletini, Periwinkle Blue and Hunter Green.
When you’re picking dresses for your Bridemaids, it’s hard to know where to start looking for colour inspiration. Well, here is proof that you can find ideas anywhere. The hard part is nailing downwhich colours you want to represent because with a painting like this, the more you look at it, the more shades you see. I think the colour selection above is pretty faithful to the artwork but another idea is to focus on just the pastels in the picture. The similar tone will keep everything looking connected, like below:

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